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Quality Policy Statement 2024
The quality of the service and work provided by Kensington Traders Limited to its customer's is the concern of each member of the organisation. It is recognised that we can only progress through the provision of a level of service and work that meets our customer's needs and expectations. It is therefore our objective to:
• Ensure we fulfil and seek to exceed our customers’ needs and expectations
• Fully understand the commitments we make and ensure they are ones that we deem achievable
• Meet the commitments made to our customers, suppliers, and staff within the agreed timescale
• Make certain that an above satisfactory standard is met by all suppliers, in order to pass on an above satisfactory service to our customers
• Seek continual improvement and make best use of our management resources in all quality matters
• To maintain and continuously improve upon our quality management system, implemented prior to gaining ISO 9001:2015 certification
• Perform our work in a responsible manner and to the best of our ability
• Comply with all applicable laws and legislations
• Use suitably qualified and experienced staff with the capabilities to assist in achieving our goals
• Train our staff in the organisation’s policies and procedures and develop the skills and abilities to meet our joint aspirations
• Ensure all training provided to staff is of an adequate level and is logged and archived correctly
• Commit to communicate this quality policy both internally and externally, to any interested parties. This document is available to view inside of Kensington Traders office, which is accessible to all visitors and is available for download on our website ( under the ‘About Us’ section. Although it will not be sent to all customers and suppliers, it remains available upon request
To assist the company in achieving its quality requirements it is committed to operating in a manner that sustains registration to the International Quality Standard ISO 9001:2015.
It is the organisation's belief that, in operating to these standards, it will achieve the needs and expectations of our customers.
This Quality Policy Statement has been approved & authorised by:
Mark O’Sullivan
General Manager​Review Date: 01/05/2025
Kensington Traders Ltd
Date: 01/05/2024